Event Management


Book Joseph Caristena to speak at your next event.


Dr. Joseph Caristena is a worldwide keynote speaker who makes
"AI & Automation" inspiring and easy to understand.
By sharing highlights, insightful research and stories,
Dr. Joseph Caristena  empowers audiences to explore and drive
positive change through "AI & Automation" and much more.


For more information send an email:
or WhatsApp


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Keynote Speaker/Panelist/Special Guest





Copertura Costi Missione e Trasferta:

Copertura Costi Hotel + Ristorante + Viaggio (Andata/Ritorno)

Indennità di Trasferta Euro 250 (se fuori dalla Regione Calabria)


Compenso Keynote Speaker
Una Tantum


Compenso Orario - Euro 150 (Min 2 ore)


Mezza Giornata - Euro 450

(dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 12:30)


Intera Giornata - Euro 750 (Max 6 ore)

(Mattina dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 12:30 + Pomeriggio dalle 15:30 alle 18:30)




Who is a Plenary Speaker?

A plenary speaker is a presenter who addresses the entire audience of a conference or event during a plenary session, which typically involves all attendees gathered together in one central space. Plenary speakers deliver engaging, informative, and often inspirational talks catering to the audience’s diverse interests and backgrounds.

Here are some qualities of a good plenary speaker:

  • Expertise: A good plenary speaker is an expert in their field, possessing in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject matter they are addressing. Their expertise lends credibility to their talk and instills confidence in the audience.
  • Engaging Communication Skills: Effective communication is key for a plenary speaker. They should be able to convey complex ideas clearly and understandably, keeping the audience engaged and interested throughout their presentation.
  • Charisma and Presence: A good plenary speaker exudes charisma and has a commanding presence on stage. They captivate the audience with their confidence, passion, and enthusiasm for their topic, making them compelling to listen to.
  • Ability to Inspire: A great plenary speaker has the ability to inspire and motivate their audience. Whether through storytelling, sharing personal experiences, or providing practical insights, they leave a lasting impact that encourages action and reflection.




Who is a Keynote Speaker?

A keynote speaker is a featured presenter at an event who sets the tone, theme, or main message of the gathering. They often speak at the beginning of the event, delivering a high-impact talk intended to capture the audience’s attention and generate enthusiasm for the rest of the program. Keynote speakers are typically chosen for their expertise, influence, and ability to inspire and engage audiences.

Some qualities of a good Keynote Speaker:

  • Visionary Leadership: A good keynote speaker possesses visionary leadership qualities. They offer unique insights and perspectives that inspire others to think differently and embrace new ideas. They have a clear vision of the future and can articulate it in a compelling and persuasive manner.
  • Inspiring Storytelling: Keynote speakers are adept storytellers who weave personal anecdotes, experiences, and examples into their presentations. They connect with the audience on an emotional level, leaving a lasting impression and inspiring action through the power of storytelling.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: A good keynote speaker is adaptable and flexible, able to tailor their message to suit the specific needs and interests of the audience. They can adjust their delivery style and content on the fly, ensuring maximum relevance and impact for each audience they address.
  • Interactive Engagement: While keynote presentations are often one-way communication, a good keynote speaker finds ways to engage the audience and encourage participation. Whether through interactive polls, audience Q&A sessions, or group activities, they create opportunities for dialogue and connection.